The Role of Visual Aids in Reading Development and Comprehension

Visual aids have been used in literacy education for as long as humans have been reading. From the bright and cheery illustrations in children’s books to the detailed graphs in research papers, visual aids explain concepts and stories to aid our understanding of the written word.  During your child’s early literacy education, there’s a time […]

Trying to Find Good Reading Programs for Kids? Look for These Features

Children enter literacy development long before they ever learn the alphabet song or begin sounding out simple words. In fact, language acquisition—the early foundation of reading skills—begins for infants. It’s never too early to introduce your child to the joy of reading in order to support their literacy development. When it’s time to teach your […]

Reading Comprehension Tips for Parents of Beginner Readers

As a parent, your involvement in your child’s reading development is crucial. Not only do you play a significant role in your kids’ earliest experiences with reading, but you can also impact important outcomes such as their level of fluency, attitudes toward learning, and reading comprehension.   By including some fun and interactive reading activities in […]

Everyday Reading Activities for Toddlers

Literacy—the ability to read, write, and utilize language—begins developing early in life. Infants naturally respond to oral expression and language around them. Babies learn to communicate verbally and eventually say their first words by repeating what they hear. Toddlers start using words, forming sentences, building a vocabulary, and recognizing the importance of print in their […]

A Crash Course for Parents: Concepts of Print and Environmental Print

The term concepts of print, also called print concepts, broadly refers to a child’s earliest understanding of written language and its purpose. It’s a term that’s helpful for you, as a parent or educator, to be familiar with when introducing kids to reading. In early literacy development, children gain several print concepts and begin to […]