When Should You Get a Reading Assessment for Your Child?

Reading is a fundamental skill that plays a vital role in your child’s academic success and lifelong learning. Early literacy development is an exciting and precious time for your child! However, some children struggle with reading—and it’s important to recognize the signs of struggle early on. If ignored, reading difficulties or reading disorders can significantly […]

Signs Your Child May Be Struggling With Letter Recognition (and What to Do)

Learning to recognize alphabetical letters is the first explicit phonics instruction that children receive. It’s essential to early phonics and ultimately learning to read! However, some children experience letter recognition difficulties that can hinder their progress in reading and writing.  There are some obvious signs that your child might be struggling with letter recognition. But […]

Trying to Find Good Reading Programs for Kids? Look for These Features

Children enter literacy development long before they ever learn the alphabet song or begin sounding out simple words. In fact, language acquisition—the early foundation of reading skills—begins for infants. It’s never too early to introduce your child to the joy of reading in order to support their literacy development. When it’s time to teach your […]