
Everyday Reading Activities for Toddlers

Literacy—the ability to read, write, and utilize language—begins developing early in life. Infants naturally respond to oral expression and language around them. Babies learn to communicate verbally and eventually say their first words by repeating what they hear. Toddlers start using words, forming sentences, building a vocabulary, and recognizing the importance of print in their […]

How to Help Your Child Learn to Read Before Kindergarten

Early literacy is an important foundation in child development. It sets the stage for communication, school readiness, lifelong learning, and future success. When children have early literacy experiences, the brain is activated in areas related to language, expression, attention, memory, emotional regulation, and more.  Should children be able to read before kindergarten? It depends on […]

A Crash Course for Parents: Concepts of Print and Environmental Print

The term concepts of print, also called print concepts, broadly refers to a child’s earliest understanding of written language and its purpose. It’s a term that’s helpful for you, as a parent or educator, to be familiar with when introducing kids to reading. In early literacy development, children gain several print concepts and begin to […]